On The Spot Detailing ...Residential & Commercial Detailing Services, Finger Lakes, Western NY, Northern PA Region
Why Detail?

  • Keep it looking great!
  • Stop, prevent or slow down out deterioration Increase or better maintain the value
  • Protect your investment better.
  • Add style!

  • Detailing may include:
    - Tar and grease removal
    - Steam-clean doorjambs and lubricate locks/hinges
    - Treat and steam-clean rims, wheel wells and moldings
    - Clean crevices of body and emblems
    - Apply premium wax
    - Dress exterior moldings, bumpers and tires
    - Protect wheelwells with Factory Black Undercoat
    - Complete vacuuming of interior and trunk
    - Clean and shampoo rubber and carpeted floormats
    - Clean and polish glass inside and out
    - Steam-clean doorjambs and lubricate locks/hinges
    - Blow out all vents, crevices and dashboard gauges
    - All vinyl, plastic and rubber deep cleaned and protected
    - Shampoo seats and carpets
    - Clean and shampoo rubber and carpeted floormats
    - Leather deep cleaned
    - Complete vacuuming of interior and trunk
    - Shampoo and detail trunk including jambs
    - Clean and polish glass inside and out
    - Leather conditioner for added protection for your leather.

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    On The Spot Detailing | onthespotdetailing.us

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